Cyber Security

Why Learn Cyber Security?

  • We live in a digital era which understands that our private information is more vulnerable than ever before. We all live in a world which is networked together, from internet banking to government infrastructure, where data is stored on computers and other devices.
  • A portion of that data can be sensitive information, whether that be intellectual property, financial data, personal information, or other types of data for which unauthorized access or exposure could have negative consequences.
  • Cyber-attack is now an international concern and has given many concerns that hacks and other security attacks could endanger the global economy.

  • Outline of Caps Diploma Programme in Cyber Security

    At Caps Diploma Programme in Cybersecurity, Cybersecurity is the protection of Internet-connected systems, including hardware, software, and data from cyber attacks. It is made up of two words one is cyber and other is security. Cyber is related to the technology which contains systems, network and programs or data. Whereas security related to the protection which includes systems security, network security and application and information security..